Wednesday, October 21, 2009

me verses the tire ... victory!

Last night on Biggest Loser, 'Danny' made the comment, "I could have never done this on my own. I would never push myself this hard ever!"

I know exactly what he means. Exactly. For the past 20 years, on my own has got me nowhere.

Tim Cole and Melissa Cole Mack, they mean so much to me ..... and, as my mom says, "I love these people I have never met because of what they are helping you with."

Epiphany moment today. I knew it was rope day. When I awoke, I knew the rope was waiting. The rope knocks me around a lot, makes my heart rate soar, and causes me to NOT breathe. A rope!

Tim Cole, big-trainer-dude, has me starting with the rope. Just like last time: "Swing it this way." breathe. "Swing it that way." breathe. "Swing it up." breathe. "Swing it around.... No, like this." "Lift it off the ground and swing." breathe. "Lift it off the ground and swing this way." breathe.... 35 MINUTES of a ROPE! Yesterday was an arm strengthen day, so the rope today, is like OOUUCCHH!

While I was doing this one side-arm-rope-flingy-type-of-thing, I could not even see Tim, because I am parrellel with the rope, and I know the 'bounce' of the rope is not even getting to him waayy across the room. This is the weakest of all the rope exercises for me. So, I glance over, and HIS FOOT is on the rope, while he 'sips' on his water with vitamins ... MEN!

Anyway, after recovery, as I am gasping for air and the heart is like at 190..really it was .. here comes the tire... Tire and rope??? in the same day?? my least favorite things. Because it makes my heart soar, and when the heart soars, I am gasping. I do not like gasping! at all!

So, here I am 40 minutes into the workout and first I am pushing the tire to him while his pinky finger resist me. for like 45 seconds or something like that. The goal is for me to push against him. and move the tire to him. Through that 45 seconds or whatever amount of time it is, he is pushing against me and throwing me around. 3 sets of that .. I collapse! arms ache. breathing is desired. air, I need air!

Then it is time to FLIP the tire. Let me remind you that this is not a bicycle tire. Monster truck type of tire!! He sets the watch for one minute. "Let's see how many you can do in 1 minute," trainer-dude says.

14 - I flip it fourteen times. He counts, I flip. "Stop," he says, and I crumble. If the Polar watch beeping system was not on silent, I would be beeping so loud and clear that the hospital would have rushed over.

He leaves me there and heads to the office. In his hand is a peice of paper that has his HIGH SCHOOL GUYS' times of tire flips and whatever other torture Tim does to them. There I was, 37 year old overweight woman ... right next to the top!

"Make a new sheet Tim," I tell him, "and insert me and that I am 37 and overweight and a woman and getting stronger everyday." The teenage athlete boy ahead of me, Mr. Wrinkle, I am gunning for his flips of 15 in a minute. I want to yell at the next work out, "Bring out the tire, Tim." ...BUT, next time bring it before the rope, and before the tire fight with you ...

We still have abs to go before this workout was complete. But by this time, knowing that I am indeed stronger, Tim, the big-trainer-dude, could have asked me to do 1000 sit ups, and my emotion would have carried me ..(tim, if you read this ... please do not try this)

Strong. Fit. Lean. That has always been my goal. a 20 year goal. I thank the Lord, for my husband for support, and Tim Cole and Melissa Cole Mack for helping get to stronger. Today was a good day. I am STronger I am STROnger. I am STRONGER. Colorado Rocky Mountains, I am coming soon ....

Tomorrow ... metabolic testing day ...


  1. OMG.. You have your own biggest loser trainers! I am so envious but then again, I know I am no where near ready for the rope. The rope sounds kinda scarey! You should post some pics of your trainers on here and so of your progress. like before and after photos! I do it to keep me grounded.... You are such an inspiration! I would give anything to see the tire fight! LOL

  2. You are AWESOME!! I am so proud of you!!

  3. LOVE this post. I'm visualizing you flipping that tire with momentum and prowess! Proud of you!
