Saturday, September 19, 2009

1750 Calories

My oldest turned 18 yesterday. My father-in-law had colon cancer surgery yesterday.

My emotions are all over the chart. Roller Coaster ride. Did not mean to, but I took the weekend off from training. I thought I could fit it in. Thought I would get up earlier, or after the hospital visit, or before birthday ring shopping with Lindsey. But nope. Heavy heart made for tired body.

My watch says I burned 1750 calories this week in my 4 days of working out. I skipped my 'on-your-own' days due to family stuff.

I have learned that working out, walking, and training, helps me so much with clarity in my mind. I have learned that even though there are days, I do not want to be out of breath, sweaty, and pushed, that if I will do it, my mind is clearer to respond as I need to. I think better. I am not fogged as before.

So even though this past weekend had me up and down and all around. I have not been that full of emotion in such a long while, I was still focused and stronger than before... and I did not turn to food. I turned to Jesus. YEAH!

I will love Him with all my strength. That day is coming! (see verse Deut 6:5)

I also am learning, that while this consumes me still, I am learning to make it a life style.

There will always be days, weeks, circumstances that press, push, and pull me. Always. I can not stop because ... God's strength will strengthen me, to gain my strength and be able to stand.

He is good. His mercy endures forever.

My father-in-law has a road ahead. But there is a light, a hope. My sweet, sweet, 18 year old, has transitioned to adulthood. There is a light. a hope. I am old enough to have an adult daughter. tears fall... love swells .. I will buy her a ring tomorrow to celebrate. She wants a sapphire with diamonds.

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